Pflüger Rechtsforschung GmbH, just like Dr. Pflüger Rechtsforschung, deals mainly with two research fields: classical Empirical Legal Research, primarily in the fields of trademark and unfair competition law, antitrust and copyright law, as well as Research into Legal Facts.
Both research areas predominantly involve ascertaining quantitatively – by asking the relevant public – what they think about the object of investigation. As a rule this is done by carrying out surveys among a representative sample of the total population or parts thereof (such as yoghurt buyers, vehicle drivers etc.), or among different groups of experts (such as doctors, plumbers etc.).
The survey results are documented in written expert opinions and comprehensive reports which are used before or during litigation or for legal or association policy purposes by national / international companies and courts, national / European / international trademark offices, governments or associations. Such empirical expert opinions about legally relevant facts have been recognized as evidence – if conducted lege artis – in Germany for many decades and also increasingly in other countries in the EU and beyond.
Both institutes …
- elaborate the study concept
- develop the questionnaire(s)
- subcontract the data collection, i.e. carrying out of the interviews, to reliable, generally recognised market research and field institutes, such as KANTAR / SPECTRA
- organise and monitor the work of the subcontracted institutes
- check the questionnaire programming
- code the answers to open-ended questions themselves, i.e. assign numbers to the answers according to the legally relevant categories
- evaluate the data
- present the results in detailed tables that are clearly understandable also for those readers who are not conversant with statistical analysis
- prepare the expert opinions including a commentary on the key results
- remain at your disposal to discuss your project
- participate in court hearings at home and abroad when required.
In addition, we review survey reports by other institutes and prepare statements thereon from an empirical legal research point of view.
We operate internationally, not only in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, but also in other European countries (in all EU member states, in Norway and in the UK) as well as beyond (Argentina, China, Georgia, India, Japan, South Korea, Turkey).