Partner Institutes
For the fieldwork, i.e. the conduct of the interviews, Pflüger Rechtsforschung works closely together with KANTAR (before: TNS Infratest), one of the biggest market research companies in the world. KANTAR has a comprehensive global network in the fields of Research and Consultancy.
The long-standing cooperation allows for close coordination and consultancy with all their research divisions and with all their cooperation partners in the different countries involved in the specific research project. In this way the concept, data gathering and data evaluation can be optimised, and it is ensured that national and international studies are carried out according to consistent standards and with comparable quality.
Where appropriate, however, we also subcontract other recognised research institutes. This includes in particular SPECTRA, Linz / Austria, with which a long-standing cooperation exists. This institute is the main cooperation partner of Dr. Pflüger Rechtsforschung both for Austrian and international research projects.
Projects in the field of Research into Legal Facts are regularly conducted in close cooperation with specialist ministerial departments, university researchers, representatives of associations, and other research institutes.